2 min read

One year of Red Pens and Playwriting!

One year of Red Pens and Playwriting!
Photo by freestocks / Unsplash

One year ago today, I had a whim. I get a lot of whims, and most of them entertain me briefly before fizzling out, but this one was different. This time, I had a plan. And, much more importantly, I had people who really wanted to read what I had to say.

I would like to take a moment at this milestone to say thank you to the dozens of people who have subscribed to this little project of mine. Thank you to those of you who read the latest posts each week, to those who tell me how much they enjoy my writing (and my opinions), to those who learn new things, to those who share my links around their corners of the internet and with people they know. I especially want to thank those of you who have paid for premium subscriptions; without your financial support I would not be able to keep using this platform, and I greatly appreciate how much you value this work. (On another note, I also want to thank my wife for putting up with me fussing over this blog for the last twelve months, and for all the fussing she will continue to put up with.) All the encouragement and support I've received from you lovely people has made all the difference between a whim that went nowhere and a thriving, regularly-updating project that has really taken root. This work is partly for me, but it's mostly for all of you.

As a small commemoration of the anniversary, I'm offering a very shiny deal for anyone who is on the fence about a paid subscription, or who doesn't have much room in the budget for subscription costs: until the end of September, you can sign up for a first month's subscription for only $5 (NZD) instead of $15! Paid subscriptions come with a two-week free trial as a matter of course, so that's basically six weeks of premium access for a third of the price. Now might also be a good time to upgrade your membership if you've been considering it because I'm releasing a very special post tomorrow for my paid subscribers containing the first scene of a detective series I'm writing. Intrigued yet? Access to the discount can be found here: https://red-pens-and-playwriting.ghost.io/happy-anniversay

But that's enough advertising—I also want to hear from you! What was the post that made you decide to sign up? What are your favourite posts? Let me know in the comments at the bottom of the page; I always love hearing from readers about what they connect with most.

Thank you once again for everything, my lovely readers, and happy writing!